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we stop HR happening TO you rather than BY you and move you and your leaders away from constantly fighting fires to igniting action.

HR Strategic Plans
Organisational Design
Capability & Succession
Vision & Values development
Workforce Planning
Setting your strategy
Engagement surveys
Resilience and conflict resolution
Position descriptions
Retention strategies
Creating engaged teams
we help you create advocates for your business who do the right thing and stay.

Talent attraction
EVP and employer branding
Onboarding and induction
Salary benchmarking
Attracting great people
we help you find the right people, at the right price, at the right time.

Contracts, policies, pay and conditions
Performance management
Exits, redundancies and restructures
Conciliations, grievances, investigations and mediation
HRIS advice
Doing things right
we provide traditional HR support for when you need to do things exactly right, or when things go wrong and you can’t afford to stuff up.

360 feedback
Practical management and leadership training
Coaching and mentoring
Behavioural profiling
High performers and high potentials
Developing stars
if you think effective people leaders and managers are born and not made we can help with that.

Delivering wellbeing
we aim to create a sense of belonging in your team – a thriving employee is a high performing employee who will stay.

Productivity training and coaching
Role design and strengths assessments
Individual retention and transition plans
Wellbeing surveys and strategies
Flexible working strategies
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